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My Choice
Our Future

Andrew Jose
The power of citizen journalism
"We don't need to be perfect, we just need to strive to be the best version of ourselves as we can."
Khalifa Al Haroon
Why we all hate change
As humans, we’re both driven to growth and resistant to change. But why is this and, more importantly, what do we need to face change with courage and use it to leave a big mark in the world?

Mashad Chawdhury
Exams: A Measurement of a child's potential
"Tests should be there to allow for growth to prosper in other areas, it should be there to help the prosperity of humankind, it should be there to allow us, students, children to bloom, and not act as a ceiling that hinders our humanity."
Xihuiti Perez
Tapping into Fun!
"It's really important for us to respect fun, to relax a little bit and also be true to ourselves. If its not fun, ask yourself this. Is this really authentically me?"

Haroon Yasin
What makes a balanced lifestyle
"We don't need to be perfect, we just need to strive to be the best version of ourselves as we can."
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